Sahar Kalani
Curr. Position: Res. Assoc. in University of WaterlooResearch Assistant, 2018, Research interest: Biocompatible nonafibers, flexible pressure sensors
Curr. Position: Res. Assoc. in University of Waterloo

Mohammad Taftian
Nanofiber Piezoelectric Sensor for Cyclic Impact Load Detection, M.Sc, July 2019

Samaneh Azmi
“Piezoelectric Nanogenerator”
MSc, Feb. 2019

Kiana Kazemi
“Moisture management properties of fabric”
MSc, Feb. 2018. Current Position: Content Specialist at Digikala

Ghazale Asghari Sarabi
“PEDOT/Graphen/Mno composite Nanowire”
M.Sc, September 2017, Current Position: PhD at Sharif Uni. of Tech.

Elahe Sharifi Samani
“PEG/PLA suture yarn with Controlled Curcumin Release Property”
M.Sc, Dec. 2016, Current Position: Researcher

Nikoo Saveh Shemshaki
“Synthesize Metal Nanowires with high Cunductivity”
M.Sc, July 2016, Cur. Position: Grad. Res. Assist. at UConn Health

Mohammad Bagheri
“Nano-structured piezoelectric yarn as an energy harvesting device”
M.Sc, Feb. 2016, Current Position: PhD at Tehran Polytechnic

Ali Amin
“Effect of porosity gradient of nanofibrous mats on air filtration efficiency”
MSc, October 2014, Current Position: Director at NCA

Ali Gheibi
Generating electrcity from Electrospun Nanofiber
MSc, October 2013, Current Position: R&D Manager FNM Co.

Mohammad Taftiyan
02 July 2019.

Sina Pashami
Fibrous Smart Wristband
B.Sc, October 2019. Current Position: Free lancer

Amir Mohamd Ghofrani
“PVDF Nanogenerator as interlining in
clothing system”, B.Sc, April 2019

S. Mohmad Reza Seyedahmad
“Extreme Cold Weather Clothin System”
B.Sc, March 2018.

Sahar Golmohammadi
“Tunning mechanical properties of Suture”
B.Sc, April 2015, Current Position: Researcher

Roozbeh Badizadegan
“Texturizing parameters on profiled fibers”
B.Sc., 2010

Farhad Rashidi
“Moisture Managment Spacer Fabric”
B.Sc. 2009

Niloufar Shojaei
“Comfort of Multilayered Clothing Systems”, B.Sc. 2009.